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Winter reminders

Service and Streets

Some winter reminders for residents:

Fire hydrants

Keep fire hydrants clean and free of snow build-up. This will assist the Fire Department in locating hydrants if an emergency occurs.

Children’s safety

Keep children away from snow drifts and snow piles in the area of the street.


Refuse containers should be placed as close to curb/berm as practical. Caution should be observed to not put trash so close as to interfere with the snow plowing operations.

Snow removal registration

All private snow removal contractors are reminded they must register with the City prior to engaging in the activity of removing snow on property other than what they own or occupy.

Culverts & catch basins

Keep driveway culverts and catch basins free of debris and ice build-up to prevent flooding during periods of thaw.

Depositing snow or ice in the street

The City would like to make residents aware of section 412.01 of the Brunswick City Code. This section of the code is entitled “Placing Injurious Material, Obstructions or Snow in the Street”. Subsection (e) of this section states, “No person, contractor or private snow removal firm shall deposit, or cause to be deposited, any snow and/or ice onto the traveled portion of a public roadway.

The section of the code is specifically designed for the safety of the traveling public. When snow is shoveled, blown or pushed back into the traveled portion of the street, motorists can lose control of their vehicles, which could lead to property damage or serious injury.

We have observed individuals intentionally depositing snow into the traveled portions of the street, and police officers have advised residents of this prohibition. Due to the fact that depositing snow in the street is a violation of the Brunswick City Code, those violators could be subject to citation.


When winter is upon us, please make an effort to keep your sidewalks free of snow. For safety reasons, children walking to school/school buses, as well as adults, need to be able to use the sidewalks.


Rocks, posts, and other obstructions in the street right-of-way (between the curb and sidewalk or between the street and ditch) can lead to a dangerous situation. Serious personal injury or property damage could result to residents as well as to the City employees and City equipment.

Recommended placement of snow

In order to reduce the amount of snow entering your driveway from snow plowing operations, it is recommended that while cleaning your driveway apron, as much snow as possible be placed on the side of your driveway away from the direction of the snow plow (in other words, the right side of your driveway as you face the street). In so doing, the potential for large quantities of snow being deposited into the drive apron is reduced.