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Report a problem to the Service Department

Service and Streets

Before reporting a problem, please check the information below.


If you notice a sinkhole in the tree lawn (only the tree lawn area) of your property, the property owner may repair or contact the Service Department for temporary repair.

At this time, the only process available due to staffing and budget constraint is a process of back-filling the hole. If you wish to have a temporary sinkhole repair please notify the Service Department.

Please remember that repairs are made in the order of calls received. It is the homeowners responsibility to place some sort of flag or protection at the location of the sinkhole until repair can be made.

Snow plow damaged mailbox

If your mailbox is damaged by City snowplowing, you may contact the Service Department to request repair evaluation. This request needs to be made as soon as the mailbox is damaged to allow for immediate investigation.

At evaluation a service crew member will attempt to make immediate temporary repair so that mail can be received. If minor damage has occurred they will make permanent repair at that time. Service crew will leave you a letter stating if repair has been completed or if mailbox and/or post need to be completely replaced.

If your mailbox and/or post needs to be completely replaced you have two options:

Option 1: You may purchase your own mailbox and/or post and install yourself, then submit the evaluation letter left by the service crew along with your name, address and telephone number with your original paid receipt to the Brunswick Service Department for reimbursement up to $75.00. If you choose this option, the mailbox must be installed to specification and will be inspected before reimbursement.

Specifications: Mailboxes must be installed at a height of 41-45 inches from the road surface to the bottom of the mailbox or point of mail entry, and mailbox must be set back 6 to 8 inches from the front face of the curb or road edge to the mailbox door.


mailbox drawing

Option 2: You may request that the City install our standard metal mailbox and/or wood post at no cost to you.

Please note: temporary repairs will be made as soon as possible; replacement will be done weather permitting.

See also Winter reminders.

Manhole/catch basin cover

The Service Department will replace or repair missing or damaged storm sewer manhole covers and catch basin grates.

Contact the Service Department during regular business hours.

In case of emergencies after regular hours, call the Division of Police at 330-225-9111.

Water line leaks

If you observe water bubbling up or a continual wet spot in the pavement, ditch or grass area of tree lawns, contact the Service Department during regular business hours.

After regular hours, call the Division of Police at 330-225-9111.

Street light malfunctions

Reporting a streetlight problem or outage:

Option 1: Visit First Energy’s website at; on the home page select “Report an Outage” and completed required contact and outage information. Provide as much information as possible (closest address or pole#). You do not need to give an account number.

Option 2: Contact First Energy customer service directly at 1-800-633-4766.

If you need additional assistance please contact the City of Brunswick Service Department.

Sewer backups
If you experience water back up in your house, it’s important to determine if it is a sanitary or storm sewer problem.

All basement drains, sinks and toilets are connected to the sanitary sewer.

Roof drains, garage drains and footer drains are connected to the storm sewer or ditches.

Storm and sanitary sewer main lines are the responsibility of the City/County. Lines leaking from your house to these main lines are the responsibility of the property owner.

If you experience sanitary sewer main problems, contact the Medina County Sanitary Engineer at 330-723-9585.

If you experience storm sewer main problems, contact the Service Department during regular business hours at 330-558-6804.

Drive pipe replacement

See the City’s drive pipe replacement program.

If your ditch needs to be regraded to correct water flow, the property owner may request this service. Ditch regrading work will not be completed if the ditch is not being maintained (mowed) by the property owner.
Pot holes
Pot hole concerns may be reported. This does not include pot holes on private streets in HOA developments, pot holes in business parking lots or off the street in the curb area.
Street sign down or missing
If you notice a street sign down or missing please report the location.
Traffic signals and signs
If you notice a malfunctioning traffic light or down or missing traffic sign please report it to the Service Department.

In case of emergencies, after regular hours, call the Division of Police at 330-225-9111.

Outages and emergencies

Outages and emergencies such as down power lines or gas leaks are handled by various local utilities. Please click here for further information.