Fire and Rescue
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Contact us
Division of Fire and Rescue
4095 Center Road
Brunswick Ohio 44212
Greg Glauner
Fire Chief
Our fire department protects 12.7 square miles in our community which has the largest population in Medina County. Our area includes interstate highway I-71, residential and wooded areas, light industry, warehouse, commercial, retail, Brunswick City School District and park areas with ponds and lakes.
Our department is tasked with EMS, fire suppression, prevention, and fire education. The majority of our calls are request for emergency medical assistance requiring Basic and or Advanced Life Support. We are the First Responder for all life safety concerns in the City.
All of our firefighters are trained to the highest level within the State of Ohio, and are also certified Paramedics which are required to maintain their certification with the State of Ohio. Several hours a year are dedicated to hands-on-training with equipment, through classroom work and in hospital clinical rotations.
As of June 12, 2019 we have transitioned to Medina General Cleveland Clinic under Dr. Christopher Myers. We primarily transport to Cleveland Clinic Brunswick and Southwest Brunswick but will transport out of the City based on medical need to the most appropriate destination.
We are the First Responders in our community and provide mutual aid assistance for specialized services in other communities. These include fire investigation, hazardous materials, confined space, rope rescue, dive and swift water rescue, trench and structural collapse rescue and also provide paramedics for the SWAT team. These specialized teams all take tremendous dedication and countless hours of specialized training from our department members.
The daily duties of firefighters include: responding to emergencies, training, physical fitness, equipment maintenance and repairs, station maintenance and repairs, daily station duties, paper work and documentation. Other duties might include the following: fire inspections and prevention, giving fire education classes, flushing city fire hydrants, hose testing, station tours, community events and assisting residents with questions and problems when they’re not sure who to call.
The Brunswick Division of Fire and Rescue evolved from a volunteer department in 1960 to part-time and in 1996 established the beginning of a career department. Since 1996 the Division has continued to hire full-time personnel to meet the ever-increasing needs of the growing City.
During the 1970’s the City of Brunswick was one of the fastest growing communities in the nation. Today, although the growth is not as rapid as it was years ago, it still continues. Commercial development brings additional visitors into our city. The increased visitor population causes increase in traffic throughout the community. Essentially, this continued growth translates to ever increasing requests for service from the Division of Fire and Rescue.
Our administration consists of a Fire Chief and Assistant Chief which work five eight hour days. We also have two part time Clerical personnel.
Our current staff consists of 6 Lieutenants and 18 Firefighter Paramedics. There are three shifts of 8 Firefighter Paramedics working the traditional 24 hours on and 48 hours off to provide Brunswick with 24/7 coverage.
Part time
We have three part-time personnel. Two fire inspectors and one line FF/EMT.
The City tries to maintain a minimum staffing of six (6) Fire/Medics daily on each shift which provides three (3) Fire/Medics at each Fire Station. These members can staff a front line Medic unit or a front line engine depending on the request for service.
Adopt a hydrant
Help our Fire and Rescue heroes by adopting four fire hydrants to paint, and the City will provide all paint materials free. To get started, print the form and bring it to Fire Station 1 at 4383 Center Road.
Request the Fire Department at your event
Having a special event, and want the Fire Department to attend? Or would you like to schedule a day care visit or a station tour?
Just print out the form, fill it out, and send or bring it to us at Fire Station #1, 4383 Center Road, Brunswick OH 44212.

Smoke detector program
Interested in getting a smoke detector through the Red Cross program? Contact Chief Greg Glauner at 330-273-8046 or for information.