Community announcements
Brunswick Area Television
Contact us
Brunswick Area Television
4274 Manhattan Avenue
Brunswick Ohio 44212
Tom Keppler
Information and Public Communications Manager
The best practice is to submit information at least 6 weeks before an event.
This will allow the announcement to display 30 days on BAT’s public channel, 7 days on the Signboard and it may be posted to BAT’s facebook page.
When preparing your message, it must be brief and to the point. Use the five Ws as you compose the message: what, when, where, why and who.
Signboard messages must be kept to a maximum total of 100 characters (5 lines, 20 characters each line), including punctuation and spacing. Lines 6-8 of your message may be 28 characters max, including spaces and punctuation for additional information to be shown on cable and BAT’s facebook page.
Before submitting this form, please be sure:
- your requested run date is at least two weeks from today;
- you do not have words spread across two lines.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Applicant information (applicant name, address, phone, e-mail) is kept confidential. If you have a digital photo or logo in digital format you would like to include in your message for cable and facebook, please use the CHOOSE FILE (BROWSE) button in the form.
Your submission of a community announcement signifies that you have read and accept the policies and procedures.

Policies and procedures:
Signboard Announcement policy
Messages posted on the City of Brunswick Community Information Sign must be related to information, services or events presented by non-profit groups, or public, cultural or educational events benefiting Brunswick residents. If events take place at a for-profit business, or if any fee is involved, you must provide a copy of your non-profit tax status to have your message considered for posting. Groups that are unable to prove non-profit tax status and all personal messages will be denied.
- No political statements for or against a party, individual, levy, etc. will be accepted or displayed.
- No personal messages will be accepted.
- All requests must be made by submitting a completed application form (along with non-profit status, if required), either electronically or in print.
- All announcements will run for a maximum of seven consecutive days within a thirty day period. Requests must be submitted two weeks in advance of desired posting date.
A maximum of 20 messages will be displayed during one cycle of the Community Information Sign, to maximize visibility of the posted messages. All messages are posted on a first come, first served basis. The City of Brunswick, at its sole discretion, may edit, delete or reject any message not deemed appropriate. Social media advertisements will be considered a personal message unless proven to represent a documented non-profit organization. Groups submitting multiple announcements may be limited to one post per calendar month. The City is under no obligation to notify the organization if their submitted announcement is denied. At any time, the City, in times of emergency or other situation, may override community messages and utilize the Community Information Sign for purposes of providing emergency or other immediate communications to its residents.
Cable Announcement policy
Messages posted on the Brunswick Area Television cable channels must be related to information, services or events presented by government agencies, non-profit groups, or public, cultural or educational events benefiting Brunswick residents. If events take place at a for-profit business, or if any fee is involved, you must provide a copy of your non-profit tax status to have your message considered for posting. Groups that are unable to prove non-profit tax status and all personal messages will be denied.
- No political endorsements, no commercial announcements, no direct fundraising messages accepted.
- All announcements should contain a date, time and location of event, plus contact information.
- If event requires a fee, proof of not-for-profit status must be provided along with request.
- No political statements for or against a party, individual, levy, etc., will be accepted or displayed.
- All messages are posted on a first come, first served basis. Messages received less than two weeks in advance of the requested posting date may not be accepted.
The City of Brunswick may, at its sole discretion, edit, delete or reject any message not deemed appropriate. Social media advertisements will be considered a personal message unless proven to represent a documented non-profit organization. Groups submitting multiple announcements may be limited to one post per calendar month. The City is under no obligation to notify the organization if their submitted announcement is denied. At any time, the City, in times of emergency or other situation, may override community messages and utilize the Community Channels for purposes of providing emergency or other immediate communications to its residents.
We may post submitted community announcements to the Brunswick Area Television Facebook page. To be eligible, the message must comply with the cable and signboard community announcement policies.
Brunswick Area Television Facebook page
Terms of Use
The official Facebook page of Brunswick Area Television was created to provide information about BAT to the citizens of Brunswick. This page also allows for two-way communication between members of the public and Brunswick Area Television. Before you post on this page, please review the following Terms of Use: “Liking,” “Following,” “Friending” etc. between Brunswick Area Television and Facebook users does not indicate an endorsement of content on that user’s Facebook page. Posts and comments by other Facebook users on the Brunswick Area Television’s page are not to be considered the opinion of the Brunswick Area Television, nor does Brunswick Area Television endorse any third-party comments on this page unless explicitly specified. Brunswick Area Television reserves the right to remove any posts or comments that are deemed to be offensive in nature. This could include uses of profanity, threats or any posts or comments that could be potentially damaging to members of the public. Brunswick Area Television reserves the right to remove any user’s posting ability if there are repeated violations of these Terms of Use, or if the offense is severe. Comments that are deemed to be “off-topic” will be removed. Please keep all comments relevant to whatever post they are a part of.