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Service and Streets

Leaf collection


During leaf collection weeks…

Leaf collection is scheduled by ward. The service crew starts with ward 1, then 2, then 3, then 4. Most years the City provides three rounds of collection. When round 1 is completed, then round 2 starts and so on.

The leaf collection schedule is very fluid due to Mother Nature being so unpredictable. The best source for the up to date schedule is this website. The next best source is the signs posted in the tree lawns leading into each ward.

leaf pickupLook for these signs to be posted a few days before collection is scheduled to begin in your ward. Keep in mind that the first round of leaf collection takes one to two days per ward. The second round takes four to five days per ward and the third takes two to three days per ward. When the sign says leaf removal on Wednesday, that means leaf collection starts the upcoming Wednesday and will make one pass through the ward. You must have your leaves on the roadway by 7:30 am on the scheduled day or the day of the week on the sign. If crews come by your home at 9:00 am and pick up your neighbors leaves and you put them out after the crew has passed your home, the crew will not return until the next scheduled round. It is more time consuming to make multiple passes through the ward picking up leaves that people put out late. Remember: it may take a few days to get to your home even though the sign says leaf removal on a specific day of the week. If the crew is ahead of schedule it sometimes goes into the next ward to get a head start. If that happens, the crew will come back at the posted time so that no one is missed.

Putting your leaves out to the curb sounds like a simple concept, but it’s not that simple. The leaves need to all be within 4’ of the edge of the roadway. The vacuum truck has a large diameter hose that will only reach 4’ to 5’ from the edge of the equipment. Workers need to avoid driving the vacuum off the roadway and rutting the lawn or getting the vacuum truck stuck.

Please do not put sticks, pumpkins, shrubs or other debris in the leaves. This material can clog and damage the vacuum truck. For safety reasons please do not pile leaves around fire hydrants, trees, telephone poles, electrical boxes, cable/phone boxes, light poles, mailboxes or other obstacles.

If you miss leaf collection or do not want to wait for the next collection you always have the option to bag leaves and put them out with your normal trash.

For those that have a “medical exemption” on file for the trash/recycle program, we recognize the difficulty that you face. Hiring a contractor or relying on friends and family to rake your leaves at a specific time that matches our changing schedule that is constantly changing can be daunting. Once your leaves are placed at the curb, as indicated above, and you are concerned about how long it will be until we are scheduled to come back to your Ward please call the Service Department at 330-225-9144. We will attempt to work with you to get your leaves picked up in an appropriate time frame. We cannot guarantee an immediate pickup but we will do what we can to help.

Click here to view the flyer.




Branch chipping


Disposing of branches after branch chipping week is over

If for any reason you miss branch chipping week, branches may be bundled in less than 4′ lengths and weighing no more than 35 lbs and placed curbside for your regular refuse pick up. The refuse company will also pick up root balls from bushes and shrubbery if they are no heavier than 35 lbs.

Another option, if you miss the branch chipping week and do not wish to bundle your branches for regular refuse pickup, would be to take your branches to the Medina County Solid Waste Facility located at 8700 Lake Road, Seville. For more information call 330-769-0289 or visit their website at .


During branch chipping week…

Please have your tree branches curbside by 7:00 am on the same day as your regular scheduled refuse pick up. We will attempt to follow the regular refuse schedule but because it is not possible to predict the time and quantity of branches to be chipped we cannot guarantee the exact day we will be at your property.

In order to keep our Service Crew safe please follow the branch chipping regulations listed below:

  • Tree branches should be left full length for ease when possible.
  • Tree branches should be placed cut side to the curb.
  • Tree branches should be free of wire or rope and must not be tied.
  • Tree branches cannot be over 6″ in diameter.
  • Tree branches less than 3′ in length must be bundled for your regular refuse pick up.

The Service Department will be making one pass thru the City and will not return to a particular street after they have concluded branch chipping on that street.

Clean Up Day


Clean-up Day is an opportunity to get rid of things like construction materials and other household debris.

From 8 am to noon, dumpsters will be located at:

  • Service Garage (1238 West 130th)
  • Parks Garage (4383 Center)
  • Recreation Center (3637 Center)

Please note the following items will not be accepted:

  • household hazardous waste
  • automotive hazardous waste
  • appliances containing Freon
  • paint
  • trees
  • shrubbery
  • grass clippings
  • tires

This program is open to City of Brunswick residents only!

Drive pipe replacement


The Service Department Drive Pipe Replacement Program is in effect, weather permitting, from the beginning of April through the end of September.

The City of Brunswick Drive Pipe Replacement Program consists of four steps:

  1. At the property owner’s request, Brunswick Service Department crew will evaluate and size the diameter and length of the existing drive pipe. After the evaluation is complete, we will then contact you to tell you the size drive pipe to order. Corrugated metal pipe is required. Corrugated plastic can only be used if drive apron is poured in concrete. You will notice some flags at the work site area. These flags are from Underground Utilities Protection Service.
  2. The property owner is responsible for purchasing and having the drive pipe delivered to their residence. When the new drive pipe has been delivered the property owner may call the Brunswick Service Department to request installation. We do not set appointments and you do not need to be home at the time of install.
  3. The day of install the service crew will knock on your door before they begin the drive pipe replacement install. At that time you may move your car out of the drive if so needed. The install will normally take approximately four hours. Brunswick service crew will remove the old and install the new pipe at no additional charge to you.
  4. The Brunswick service crew will cover the new drive pipe with some stone and you will be able to drive over it after install but any necessary replacement of the drive apron to match with the rest of your existing driveway (gravel, asphalt, concrete) will be the property owner’s responsibility.

Service dates for 2024