

Contact us

4095 Center Road
Brunswick Ohio 44212


Todd Fischer
Finance Director

  • The City has followed its financial plan and balanced its budget for eleven years in a row.
  • By following our financial plan and not wavering, approximately $24 million has been spent on road improvement projects and maintenance from 2010-2019 with an additional $28 million planned over the next several years. For comparison purposes, from 2002-2009, the City only spent between $6-$7 million on road improvements and maintenance.
  • The City has secured $14+ million in grants in just the last couple of years for various road and infrastructure improvements, equipment, etc. The aforementioned road improvements were only made possible at these levels due to the hard work and efforts of many individuals and granting agencies.
  • The Finance Director and Assistant Finance Director were responsible for administering and reporting $2.3 million in CARES Act grants pertaining to COVID 19. The money was ultimately passed down from the United States Government to the State of Ohio, then through Medina County and ultimately to the City of Brunswick. The City spent 100 percent of the proceeds received and has been expended these funds in accordance with the United States Treasury guidelines. Furthermore, we have completed and reported all grant activity to the State of Ohio Office of Budget and Management by the required deadlines.
  • Implemented the City’s first e-payment option for refuse and storm water billing on the last quarterly bill of 2020. Received 1,309 e-payments on the first bill that this e-payment program was offered. This represented 11 percent of our customers and is a great start.
  • The Income Tax Office also continued to market and advertise its e-file and e-payment options. 4,141 filers took advantage of this service in 2020 versus 1,866 in the previous year when it was first implemented. At these numbers, it is quite clear that the taxpayers desired better and more efficient services. The days of eight-hour services are long gone and we now have an ability to offer a 24/7 service to our taxpayers through technology.
  • Completed and released the 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. This report was audited by the Rea & Associates, Inc. and the City of Brunswick received an “unqualified” opinion which is the best opinion you can receive. The Government Finance Officers Association is very behind schedule due to COVID 19 and are still reviewing our 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. We believe we will receive our 37th Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award from the Government Finance Officers Association.
  • Compiled the 2021 budget, which balances being fiscally responsible while addressing much needed infrastructure projects. The 2021 Budget has also been setup to provide the best possible services to its residents, businesses, and visitors. The budget document is quite extensive, very detailed and is available on the City’s website This budget document includes a click and link table of contents to specific areas and is user friendly, informative, and transparent.
  • Updated and amended the City’s Fund Balance Reserve Policy twice during 2020 as a result of the COVID 19 situation and many financial unknowns yet to come. The City remains fiscally conservative as we tackle the global health pandemic.